速報APP / 娛樂 / How to make slime

How to make slime





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



How to make slime(圖1)-速報App

The slime is a very popular toy that is sweeping in all social networks.

How to make slime(圖2)-速報App

Make your own viscous mass or mucus. Make slime with different colors and consistencies.

How to make slime(圖3)-速報App

It is very fun to knead your own slime game between your hands. Feel the sticky mucus between your fingers, stretch or crush it.

How to make slime(圖4)-速報App

It relaxes squeezing the viscous mass and giving it forms, the slime is an anti-stress toy.

How to make slime(圖5)-速報App

It is not necessary to go to a store and buy a slime, with this app you can learn how to make Slime in many ways and in a very simple way.

How to make slime(圖6)-速報App

Making homemade slime is not complicated, follow the steps of the recipes of this app and you will achieve a perfect viscous mass.

How to make slime(圖7)-速報App

These homemade slime recipes are simple and fun. With diy slime beam slime without borax.

How to make slime(圖8)-速報App

They can play older and younger, always with supervision.

How to make slime(圖9)-速報App

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